All it takes is a team of qualified and dedicated workers to get this job done- Check out these great shots of a few of our crew members in action. Our sheet metal crew is pictured installing registers in the exposed spiral duct work. Our piping crew is seen installing the boiler pipe and condensate
A comfortable and positive work environment helps us all to work harder, stay focused and enjoy what we do. With that being said…
Check out this old picture of a wall of gas meters we got at Assembly Row.
We were so proud of the outcome during our annual “Evening with Santa” event to benefit the Toys for Tots campaign. The privilege of seeing everyone come together and show support for this cause was a special Christmas gift to all of us at MacCo Services, and so many more children received toys this year
Happy Friday! Have you gone to any holiday parties yet this season? We didn’t get a full group photo, but here’s one of a few of the ladies of MacCo celebrating together this year. ❤️ Christmas is just a few days away and we’re wishing you all happy holidays and a wonderful New Year!
Behind the scenes photos at this 18 story high-rise building in South Boston! We are replacing aged equipment with modern, high-efficiency water pressure booster pumps and controls. Equipment sized and selected by Avid Engineering and project executed by MacCo Services- looking great and due to be wrapped up tomorrow.👍
All of us at MacCo Services would like to extend our most heartfelt thanks to all of our Family & Friends, Customers & Vendors and Community members who made our 3rd Annual Toys for Tots Evening with Santa such a huge success! Over 1,000 toys, along with a large monetary donation was sent off with
The Christmas tree is looking great with all our Toys for Tots donations! It’s not too late if you’d like to stop in and drop off a toy! We can receive toys at the office until 4pm tomorrow afternoon!
We at MacCo Services are excited to be gearing up for our 3rd Annual Toys for Tots Campaign! Please join us for a night of giving and celebration as MacCo hosts “An Evening with Santa” on Wednesday, December 12th from 6pm-8pm. Due to all of you, our event has been a growing success each year.