Employee Appreciation
Our Service Department works so incredibly hard, and this recent review on Yelp was a kind reminder that our diligent staff and their professionalism makes all the difference. Thank you Sarah for your review!
Our Service Department works so incredibly hard, and this recent review on Yelp was a kind reminder that our diligent staff and their professionalism makes all the difference. Thank you Sarah for your review!
Dr. King made great strides in uniting our nation. Today, we remember his relentless dedication to the fight for justice and equality, and honor the legacy he left behind.
Did you know today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day? Me neither! 😅 A clean work-space is said to decrease stress and add to productivity. We all get busy in the office and things can sometimes become a bit cluttered. Neaten up your space and start the new year off on the right foot!
The new year is approaching and we are so excited to see what 2020 brings! Be safe everyone and we will see you next year!
There has been a busy secret santa filling baskets full of goodies in our office! There must have been a lot of people on our nice list this year!
Very excited that we have reached over 1,000 followers on Twitter! If you’re on Twitter and haven’t already, please give us a follow! Hope everyone has a great weekend 😊
Our Christmas tree is finally up and decorated, and these last few toys waiting under our tree to be donated add a nice finishing touch! With the final donations going out to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation very soon, we would like to extend one more sincere thank you to Doug Morrison and
We asked and you delivered! A wonderful way to kick-off the holiday season, while filling your hearts with Christmas cheer! Our deepest appreciation goes out to all the MacCo Services employees, friends & family, vendors and customers that sent or dropped off toys to our office, or joined us last night for our event!
A heartfelt thank you to Bob Gordon and everyone at The Portland Group, Randall Richard and Richard Brothers Financial, and a few secret santas at the MacCo office for your incredible donations to this year’s Toys for Tots campaign! Thanks to all of you, our box is already overflowing and we will have an abundance of toys
Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!